Bindjareb Middars

WA’s Bindjareb Middars is headed up by Theo Kearing who is a billyduck Nyoongar from the Pinjarra tribe. Having travelled all over the world Bindjareb Middar dance troupe have worked with Dr Richard Walley, Ernie Dingo and Shane Pickett just to name a few.

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Freda Ogilvie – Welcome To Country

As a Whadjuk/Ballardong Elder performing Welcome To Country, Ms Freda Ogilvie has also taken part in national forums on early childhood education, and contributed to Aboriginal early childhood programs in the Northern Territory and Western Australia. As a Welcome to Country speaker, Ms Freda Ogilvie plays a vital role in ceremonies and events, formally acknowledging the traditional custodians of this land. A tireless advocate for Indigenous rights and social justice, Freda is actively involved in initiatives that empower Indigenous communities, promote cultural diversity, and challenge the prevailing stereotypes and prejudices.

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