Robyn Collard – Welcome To Country

Welcome to Country by Robyn Collard is a Whadjuk Ballardong Yorga Elder who has many years experience in leadership and education across the Northern Territory and Western Australia.

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Robyn is a Nyungar Yorga from the Whadjuk and Ballardong groups, has 9 brothers and sisters and is a mother of three and nana to 15 beautiful and talented grandchildren.  Her wider family includes the McGuire, Bennell and Shaw families with connections to the Tiwi Islands.

Robyn has developed a range of cultural education programs, offers cultural safety advice from an Aboriginal perspective on a range of issues and builds capacity with everyone she meets.

Robyn comes with a wealth of knowledge and experience in her career that covers previous roles within the Government and Catholic education systems as a Principal, Team Leader and Education Consultant across the Northern Territory and Western Australia – she continues in her role of storyteller and educator.  The past six years she worked at Wanslea in a range of roles including the General Manager Cultural Safety and Partnerships.

She is currently a private consultant across all sectors.

Tryse Rioli
Is a Whadjuk Tiwi Maarman on his cultural learning journey.  He is one of Robyn’s grandsons and performs on the didgeridoo and assists with Smoking Ceremonies and Water Healing Ceremonies.


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    Indigenous Australian ActsRobyn Collard – Welcome To Country